[StBernard] List-NOW: Moving Forward

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri May 19 21:43:43 EDT 2006

Thank you Paul, once again I feel betrayed. We were led to believe that all
these list was for was just to know our intentions. Who was coming back and
who wasn't. Out of the blue we get this notice about August 29, GEE thanks a
lot guys. Here we are sitting on a gutting list, with no way of having a
house gutted and given a notice that cannot be possibly met. LRA money has
not even passed yet. All I have done is cry since this came out. Our parish
has betrayed us since the first week of the hurricane, I remember sitting in
Texas and hearing our officials state that we would not have a school in the
parish for at least a year if then. I panicked then saying they are killing
us by saying this because people are going not going to waste a year of
their children's life. Everything we heard was negative. Most of the parish
would have to be taken down. Has any of this been true, NO there was a
school there in no time and there were only 3000 house's on the demolitions
list and most of them because the people had settled elsewhere and did not
want to be bothered, not because they needed to be taken down. All of you
officials take credit for running our community away and here you seem to be
finishing off the job by imposing this impossible deadline even if we wanted
to their is no way for most of us to order the windows (if we had the
money)and have them installed in time. Especially when this is the only
place I have seen this posted. How many people still do not know about this
? I have personally been thoroughly betrayed by the Army core of
engineers, the federal government, My insurance company, and once again by
my own parish . Thanks a lot. I will be in before the 9th to sign up for the
demolition, so make it 3001 now. My family will be happy because they did
not want me going back by myself. But make no mistake that I am find with
this I have shed many tears over this and I know their are a lot more to
Not afraid to sign my name

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