[StBernard] Doors and Windows

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun May 21 20:25:44 EDT 2006

How is it - that 99.99% of the best ideas come from the St. Bernard
citizens and NOT from those in the political arena? If only they would
listen to the populace and NOT to their inner self.

BTW, Westley. Remember one thing: it was an isolated case, but could be
repeated. That being the case of the New Orleans vagrant who "housed"
herself in an abandoned home, then claimed she was raped there, finding her
way to safety afterwards? Seems I read about this a couple months ago. Are
these the "homesteader hopefuls" we've heard so much about this year?

I've heard of the movie, "Sleeping with the enemy", but dam%, it's escalated
to a new level.


This is just my opinion on the doors and windows.

I think that as long as a house is gutted completely there is no reason for
doors and windows. In fact, I think it is better to not have them.

If a house is completely open it will be easier for whatever neighbors may
be around it to keep an eye out for vagrants.

Although a lot of folks know their neighbors, how many can pick up the phone
and dial their cell phone today?

If you start putting doors and windows up, what is to stop a vagrant from
breaking in the back door, putting curtains up in the windows and now the
neighbors think someone is moving back in. But, they can no longer see into
the house to see what is going on.

Should they happen to catch the vagrants entering or leaving, all they need
to say is they are renting the property. Who's going to know?

If the house is wide open, you may have some stray/wild animals wander
through it. But I don't think much would happen and the owner, or whoever
is maintaining the property, can check the insides when they come around to
cut the grass.


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