[StBernard] New Orleans Mayoral Election

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 22 22:22:20 EDT 2006

Jim and Wes,

Do you really think he could have screwed up any further than Nagin did?
The one thing I can say is that actions speak louder than words and Landreiu
was in St. Bernard pulling people out of homes in his boat while Nagin was
in the Hilton playing with a radio. Anyone on the Sheriff's Dept that was
there in the beginning can tell you, he was there. He might not be
eleoquent, but he knew where the most damage was and went there without
thought for personal safety because he knew the people of St. Bernard/
Louisiana needed help. What can I say, you have to respect that.

Wendy Hall

Well of course it's not going to be the last nail Westley. He'll either run
for reelection as Lt. Gov., or challenge Blanco for the governor's seat. You
silly boy! <g>

Don't know how I would have voted if I were an Orleans resident. The
temptation might have been to stay home on election day.


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