[StBernard] Doors and Windows

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 22 22:23:33 EDT 2006


Does this mean that the idea of green space, or chances of that happening
are slim to none and really not very realistic? I mean, is it most likely
it's not going to happen?





>I have responded to this question as well. Gutted homes will be

>handled differently than non-gutted homes. The doors and windows issue

>is a goal and not grounds for demolition- although having a home

>requires minimal standards. The question of properties being in green

>space having to do repairs is really a mute issue since the current LRA

>plan provides little opportunity to create large mitigation areas.

>Additionally, there are only a few areas that even fit the eligibility for

green space.


>Good luck and God Bless,



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