[StBernard] Deadline Regarding Gutting/Demo Maintenance

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 29 08:49:57 EDT 2006

In response to David's email I must say that I don't agree with everything
the council has done but no matter what they do it will surely make a
certain group of people mad, no way to please everyone in these times.
However they do need to try and please mostly the people who have again
decided to call St. Bernard home currently, they need to make it better for
people to live here now. Some people may choose not to come back for awhile
or may not come back at all but for those of us living here now we need some
deadlines for people to fix some things in their house and maintain it. I
don't think what Craig and the council passed regarding the deadline to gut,
demolish and maintain your home unfair at all, its time for people to make
decisions because my family and my kids are down here living everyday and we
need to see progress and recently we have seen a good bit of it.

I am not by any means rich and most of my family members and other relatives
did not have flood insurance but they agree with the deadlines imposed
whether they are living here or not. It is time to move forward and this
deadline is going to do exactly that, move us forward.

Also, forcing people to put up doors and windows will also help our police
department, if doors are locked and windows closed they will better know
when people are somewhere they should not be and better be able to police
looting and other issues.

Again I don't agree with everything our council has done or not done but
they needed to do this and I applaud all of them for voting for this


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