[StBernard] Government Decisions

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue May 30 09:01:16 EDT 2006

Westly, IMHO, the parish has already squandered the opportunity.

Plan?? Which one? How many? Thus far, their ownly plan is to usher the last
remaining loyalists away from St. Bernard. What I'm trying to figure out is
what will the "powerful" gain from their attempts to hurriedly do a push to
move citizens away from St. Bernard at a record pace?

Is there monetary incentives involved in doing what they deem,
"justifiable"? Like "generals" accepting casualties of war, they're betting
80% WILL STAY instead of the 80% who have either not made up their minds or
have determined what has happened after Katrina is a rule of thumb of how
the parish will move forward--badly.

Could it be that the "crafty" are spinning their web in deciding the best
way to harness up thousands and hundreds of thousands (and to some,
millions) that can be said "business" by others? Why not just shoot the
remaining people who have to fight the system because it's the humane thing
to do rather than watch them suffer eternally?

The folks that take a stand to support their "Salvation Government" have NO
idea as to the extent decisions are made away from public forums. We can't
prove wrong-doing at this time, but we can expect at some point in time
things will be devulged. Fingers will be pointed. God knows how many have
jumped upon opportunity to capitalize.

How many properties will be artfully, surreptitiously seized in the "name of
justifiable need" for the community. There just isn't ENOUGH time for
recovery. The "hell-with-them" attitude is beyond belief.

Some of us barely had funds (or piled it upon their already busomed credit
accounts)to savalge the last remnants of their lives. How many plan to stand
in their doorways and defend their property to the end? Commit the ultimate
sacrifice for their cause--suicide??

Who should we blame? Ourselves for our situation?? If we suffer heart
attacts while working in searing heat, how many plan on suing the government
for their urgent push to get people to move out of St. Bernard or "off the

What we need is TIME. The calvary has not yet arrived to save us from the
savages. Anything falling short should be viewed as an insincere act to help
we who are in trouble big-time. Truthfully, when the smoke clears I pray
that those who have caused/will cause additional trauma to the citizens get
what's coming to them justifiably. What a sad, sad story to behold in the
land of the free and home of the naïve.


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