[StBernard] Armoring Levees

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Jun 27 18:35:30 EDT 2006

Interesting to note that the head of the levee board in Jefferson Parish
contacted Armstrong Airport and got possession of the runway they were
breaking up to armour her levees. She did this before the storm and her
levees held. So what gives with not using the slabs of demoed houses? Ron

-----Original Message-----
Well damn! Out of curiosity Craig, what were the reasons for not being able
to use the slabs of demoed houses?

I will be SO glad when FEMA stops inflicting it's pain and lack of logic on
SBP and they go somewhere else to terrorize another community.



we suggested this, but FEMA is not budging on the use of the slab as
armoring material.

Good suggestion.

Good Luck and God Bless,

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