Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Jul 18 23:34:45 EDT 2006

Hey John,

I will keep working on it.

Good Luck and God Bless,

-----Original Message-----

To add to Sylvia's comments, at night you can see rats running from the
rubble at the corner of Gallo and Genie, and also at 3505 Charles Drive. I
can't speak for the debris at the corner of Gallo and Genie, but the debris
on Charles Drive should be picked up by Murphy as it was only recently
gutted by them. Similarly, Murphy failed to pick up contaminated debris
located between the sidewalk and the street at 3505 Corinne, saying it was
the responsibility of the parish. Obviously, if the debris is from a newly
gutted house in the "spill zone", Murphy should pick it up. These three
locations are definitely health hazards and Murphy has an obligation
morally, if not legally, to pick it up as quickly as possible.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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