[StBernard] Repair Cost %, FEMA and the LRA

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Jul 25 00:13:56 EDT 2006

"The key to this is while the LRA sorts through this any person who has
decided to rebuild or repair their home, get started and let the LRA catch
up with you. Keep very good records of your repairs and keep photo
documents of everything that is done as well as before and after photos.
Outside of the Murphy settlement money, LRA has not told us that they are
using any special factoring for the oil spill area. -Craig"

--A REAL problem with this %^$@#(*& is getting people who are NOT committed
to rebuilding/restoring their destroyed homes is the VERY untimely push to
get things underway by the parish WAY ahead of money to do things and
allowing LRA to catch up with US. Decisions by 80% of the destroyed homes
are indecisive mainly because they do NOT have the answers yet and WILL NOT
until they are advised by the LRA advisors who will help the homeowners make
life-changing decisions that might not be--but decisions WILL be hastenedly
made with wrong choices. Yes, the less than 20% of inhabitants wish to go on
with their lives and have a clean environment, but what about the majority's
rights/considerations to get correct info to make their lives more
meaningful? This seems like a good old fashioned "hostage situation" where
the victims will be greatly mishandled by the parish making decisions for
us. It's wrong and the majority will side with this observation.

Yes, the parish needs to get underway. Many who have not gotten to their
homes are broke, miserable or turned off by tactics they deem excessive and
brash. This storm caused massive injuries and we should not place a
majority's dream of recovery in jeopardy simply because some decisions are
made to undermine "people" with property. It's people who will make the
significant difference to St. Bernard and other venue's of living.
Aggressively addressing this serious issue with what most homeowners can
only lead to chaos and distaste to consider a move-back, knowing that the
best of interest of those who were forced away from the parish is not at
heart but to a minority who do.

There's no balance here but only in favor of some who chose to stay. Aren't
all St. Bernardians, those who rich or poor, in and out parish, etc.
supposed to be considered when any complete restoration or recovery is
planned? Well, they're not. Believe me, the struggles are just as bad (if
not worse) when you're away, would like to move on by either coming back or
going on away with plans. We love our neighbors and friends who choose to
stay and try to recoup some part of their dreams in St. Bernard, but the
consideration goes both ways. We wish those who have decided to wait until
they receive help the best also. Neither's needs must never be ignored.


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