[StBernard] need info - da real truth

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Jul 30 23:13:04 EDT 2006

I've been reading consistently on sites and in discussions and TWO important
things come to mind. Now follow what I'm saying as there is a catch-22
involved and the victims are the St. Bernard homeowners who like always are
caught in the middle of untruths and the proverbial "dodging of the bullet".

It concerns the many that has been in the oil spill whether it's the
original or the extended area.

Firstly, if Murphy is coming "clean" by us, how is it that they aren't doing
everything in their power to save us from any "diseased" areas that can/will
be health hazards now and in the near to not-so-near future.

Secondly, if governments, EPA and others are being "clean" by us, how is it
that they're promoting a campaign of "good clean/cleaned up St. Bernard
soils, air, and other toxicities that are/can kill the citizens by trusting
that all is OK and we have nothing to be concerned about.

Thirdly, if the lawyers who represent the people in class action are being
truthful and compassionate to the needs of their clients, how is it that
they haven't gone all out to ward people away from the diseased areas which
are claimed to have toxins, carcinogens and other health hazards that
may/are present and could affect us "forever"?

When we pick up the mud, any oil, any mold, or kick up the dust/mud outside
by cutting grass demanded by government, or weedwack, pick up objects, etc.
is anyone guaranteeing our safety, the safety of our lawn people?

Who is correct? Which "truth" should we believe if we wish to be here 10 or
20 years from now? How many have been coughing, sneezing, itching, while
tissue is being tormented "to death"?

Of course, they all claim "righteousness and truthness in statements". For
this and other matters. God protect us from our past contact with our
homes/properties and the future endeavors we must meet to "comply" with
compliances. We're not blind as we can see, but will we become blinded,
literally by unneeded exposure no matter how many masks, Tyveks, boots or
long clothes we must wear during the summer months?


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