[StBernard] Village Square

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Sep 6 21:29:55 EDT 2006

I think Melissa has something here. My dad will be 85 in October. Lost his
home in Katrina (Buccaneer Villa South) and is facing living in facility
such as this. Rather than having to put him in a place too far from
Chalmette, why not have such a facility so those of us in our 50s and 60s,
who have elderly parents, could move back to Chalmette and have our parents
come back with us. It sure beats Village Square as it was pre-Katrina. I
was very discouraged at the council meeting I attended in August and
informed that some of the previous owners were trying to get permits to
rebuild such an obtrusive structure. Isn't it time that we upgrade our
living standards??? If the owners of these apartments are allowed to
rebuild then they should be held accountable for the type of living that
goes on over there. They should be held accountable if the buildings become
destroyed and/or damaged. They should have to fix them up immediately and
not allow people to live in such deplorable conditions, or be fined heavily.

I was also disappointed when a certain tract of land (down the road) that
was owned by five families (if my memory serves me right), was rezoned
through a real estate transaction presented by Dana Arcement, passed. The
property will bring yet another "DOLLAR STORE". Just what we need. You
have to wonder - will be St. Bernardians ever be better than "DOLLAR STORE"
status? Didn't we have enough of that pre-Katrina? How on earth will we
ever draw a younger crowd of families if we continue to not offer better
than that!!! That's been the problem with St. Bernard for years - we've
never graduated from the standards of the "MART BROTHERS", K and Wal!!!
That's why the working middle-class people shop out of the parish - we
simply have nothing to offer.

We finally got a couple of upscale restaurants, Barristers and N'Tini's.
Are either of these returning? Or or we back to just fast-food joints and
Daiquiri Shops. It simply amazes me how daiquiri shops were brought back up
so quickly.

And can some please explain to me about the poster of Judge Perez that
mentions the rezoning allowing "Light Commercial" (or is it industrial)
being proposed?


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