[StBernard] Your Action Needed to receive Funding!

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Nov 15 22:23:52 EST 2006

Dear Louisiana Member,

The House and Senate remain deadlocked over whether to award Louisiana her
fair share on royalties from offshore drilling - even while industries and
environmentalists agree that the loss of Louisiana's coastal wetlands
contributed to the metro New Orleans Flood which killed over 1300 people and
destroyed 200,000 homes.

The Louisiana Coastal Protection Restoration Agency just released grand
plans to restore Louisiana's coast, but it's all meaningless without the
money to pay for it.

You can help. Urge your family and friends who live outside Louisiana to
call their Representatives today.

Call a family member and a friend (or email them) and please give these

1. Click www.levees.org/house
ttp://www.levees.org/house> to find your Representative and phone number.

2. When the aide answers, say you would like to leave a message for
your Representative.

3. Say this: "Please support the Fair Revenue Share provision on
offshore royalties for Louisiana. Please work to pass what is passable in
conference this year."

4. Tell the aide that you would like your Representative to write you
and tell you how he/she voted. The aide will need your name and address.

Please do this by 5pm Friday Nov 17. Want more explanation and info? Click

Thank you for helping New Orleans and south Louisiana.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org





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