[StBernard] Editorial: White House Lauds Francis

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Dec 15 21:44:43 EST 2006

Our Views: White House lauds Francis

With characteristic modesty, Norman Francis accepted the Presidential Medal of Freedom on behalf of the suffering people of the Gulf Coast. But we believe the award also is well-deserved for his role in our state's recovery efforts.

The long-serving president of Xavier University, itself hit hard by Hurricane Katrina, Francis took on the responsibility of chairman of the Louisiana Recovery Authority as well. Since then, his vast credibility as a New Orleans civic leader has helped to bring disparate and sometimes quarreling people to the table in common purpose.

In the early days, the LRA had little staff and huge expectations. What it had in abundance, though, was the prestige that Norman Francis enjoys, both in Louisiana and in Washington, D.C.

Congratulations to Francis for this honor.


Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated South Louisiana, claiming 1,464 lives, destroying more than 200,000 homes and 18,000 businesses and inflicting about $25 billion in insured losses. The Louisiana Recovery Authority (LRA) is the planning and coordinating body that was created in the aftermath of these storms by Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco to lead one of the most extensive rebuilding efforts in the world. The LRA is a 33-member body which is coordinating across jurisdictions, supporting community recovery and resurgence, ensuring integrity and effectiveness, and planning for the recovery and rebuilding of Louisiana.

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