[StBernard] Group: Report doesn't solve MRGO flooding

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Jan 5 00:28:39 EST 2007

Can anyone tell me what happens to the existing 76 miles of MRGO channel
once a "dam" is placed at the mouth? Are the 76 miles replenished by
fresh/salt water or will it stagnate with no movement? Won't hurricane force
winds still push that 76 miles of water onward/northwestward as Katrina
pushed it? No expert here, but strong winds can still push a body of water's
contents like a hose's strong sprayer can push water in the gutters. No
chance of filing it up in a practical sense, but isn't the horse out the
gate here? I realize storm surge, but wind can still whip around to push 76
miles of waterway up to New Orleans, can it not? mj

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