[StBernard] Group: Report doesn't solve MRGO flooding

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Jan 5 23:17:31 EST 2007


keep in mind that the land bridges or re-establishing a natural ridge or a
water control structure or anything of the sort is only one part of a much
more comprehensive need. Our voice from St. Bernard has been total closure
with the message that choosing one part of the rest of the plan to replenish
the coast line, provide artificial storm surge protection, fresh water
movement, levees, etc. will only result in an unsuccessful project and a
waste of millions of dollars. The concept of water being pushed around is
accurate, but the key is to slow it enough that a storm can pass without the
same build up in the channel, if it is not totally filled in. Again, the
need for storm surge protection in Lake Borgne is an important part of the
plan as well as making sure that the water that would flow to Lake
Pontchatrain is not stopped from going there. Good insight mj, as you can
see convincing people, wh o are not really interested in the whole thing, to
correct the problem has been a four decade dance led by many unsung heroes
who have been identifying the problem and suggesting real solutions for the
entire time, only to have been ignored until now, at least partially.

Some positive movement is in the works at present with the attention the
MRGO issue has been getting, but it will be a continued fight not to let the
solution that is funded be a partial fix that in the long run makes things

Good luck and God Bless,

-----Original Message-----
Can anyone tell me what happens to the existing 76 miles of MRGO channel
once a "dam" is placed at the mouth? Are the 76 miles replenished by
fresh/salt water or will it stagnate with no movement? Won't hurricane force
winds still push that 76 miles of water onward/northwestward as Katrina
pushed it? No expert here, but strong winds can still push a body of water's
contents like a hose's strong sprayer can push water in the gutters. No
chance of filing it up in a practical sense, but isn't the horse out the
gate here? I realize storm surge, but wind can still whip around to push 76
miles of waterway up to New Orleans, can it not? mj

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