[StBernard] ddk copied and pasted nola message

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Feb 25 21:42:17 EST 2007

I accidentally hit the send icon before putting ddk on that copy and paste
posting I took from nola forum and sent to westley for da-parish.com. I
have no idea of how credible the original person on nola was or who it was,
other than the gist that I got out of it is that there are two different
MRGO lawsuits. I wish an independent attorney or someone with credentials
who is not involved as a class action representative, can send Westley a
message as to which lawyers are using the tort actions, which ones are using
the admiralty law approach, whether or not you can file both ways, and which
one St. Bernard Parish is going under. This should be readily available
information if all these class action attorneys want applicants to be file
with them. I'll send a note to my contact at the T-P, may they can do a fast
story on why all this confusion and what the risks/options really are.


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