Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Feb 28 22:02:23 EST 2007

My husband and I went to the LRA Small Rental Assistance Program
informational seminar that was at the Community Center on LeBeau Street. We

were thinking of applying for that. After the seminar and finding out all
the info. about the program, we have opted not to apply. We qualify to
apply and according to the eligibility requirements we would have a good
chance of getting assistance but there are just too many strings attacted
and too much uncertainty. First of all, you have to follow all of their
rules, make sure you have energy star appliances, certain amount of square
footage per bedrooms to kitchen space ratio. All kinds of rules about the
contruction. You have to follow the rental guidelines they set and pay the
tenants utilites bills or give the tenants a utility allowance. You have to

agree to rent to low income tenants. There are many more rules, all kinds of

rules about the tenents you may rent to. I have no problem with most of the

rules, it is free money and we would have to find our financing someplace
else, so what is the problem? The problem is that one of rules is your
property finished and vacant, and it has to be inspected by the LRA before
they will give you any money. What if it does not pass their inspection? No

money. How long will it take for them to inspect? How long will it take for
them to close and acutally give you the money? If it is anything like is
happening now with the residential program, it will be years. So there your

property has to sit, fixed and vacant, and you are hoping they will later
reimburse you for financing that you had to get from somewhere else anyway.

You could jump through all of their hoops and then be sitting on a finished
and vacant property for God knows how long. When asked they said they
couldn't commit to a time line, but it would be fast. Yeah right. When has

anything in this situation been fast. They can't be trusted to do things in

an efficient and timely manner so we will just rely on ourselves to get 'er
done!! Just had to vent.


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