[StBernard] Field of Dreams

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Mar 10 10:41:08 EST 2007

Firstly, Chad. Correct yourself to my gender. MALE. Secondly, it's my given
right as I've probably lived there as long or longer than you (over 32
years) and a homeowner there, to speak as well as anyone. No interest? If I
didn't have an interest in ST. Bernard, sir, I would certainly have not
spent the past 2 years here and there cleaning, and here as well offering my
support to so many devastated as myself. What gives you or anyone a monopoly
over myself, sir, in terms of love for St. Bernard? Is it held specifically
to anyone's love? I probably have more interest in what happens to MY ST.
BERNARD than some who even live there, do not live by the golden rule, does
not love his/her neighbor, and does not support a community as I have/had
for a majority of my life. Opinionated, you bet!!

Since I believe I willingly speak what I believe is the truth, rather than
contrived, I speak with conviction in helping to rebuild my love of a parish
that I cherished. Why does one have to live within his old, destroyed
neighborhood, for example, to appreciate, grieve over, and wish it all the
love in the world towards recovery? That's a ludicrous idea. Let it amaze
you since you might not feel this way.

Step outside the box and see it from the perspective that not ALL (if any)
who were forced from their beloved community hate St. Bernard, or it's
wonderful citizens/former neighbors, churches, friends, that have, by their
choice, decided it best for them. Perhaps then, you'll understand more
comprehensively and with compassion for those who had to make a serious
decision to survive the best that they knew were in their interest. I
actually admire those who choose to stay (whether by necessity or choosing)
and pick up the pieces of shattered lives and properties, hoping to make
something whole once again. That's why I write, am opinionated (isn't
everyone?) and want a grand future, where everyone is made whole, live and
work happily and feel loved, not disjointed. Have a wonderful workweek,


Surely is a whole lot said from Jer who has not and does not plan on moving
to the parish because of health concerns, she surely knows what's best for
the people who decided to give home another chance. My opinion on the
subject is of course you can speak about what you want, this is America, but
don't expect many to listen when you are talking about something or
someplace (in your words) that is not worth living in at this time or
possibly ever.

I don't understand why people with no interest or nothing pending in St.
Bernard have such an opinionated stance on every issue happening outside
where they live.

Amazes me really.


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