[StBernard] Field of Dreams

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Mar 12 01:49:12 EDT 2007

CHAD: "Have seen psychotrophic spelled BOTH ways Jerry."

Gabby: "Yeah, I noticed the x missing (keyboard spelling does this
often) but the
trophic is actually German spelling and my brain accepted it as correct.
Have to admit that my fingers are not always coordinated on the keyboard
either, but I still want to spell behaviour and colour at times with the red
underlining of the spell check. Some habits are hard to break even after
several decades (or dekades). --Gaby"

****Jer: Yes, and depending upon my mood, I occasionally use English
spellings: i.e. Colour or theatre and others. I love the British
dialect/language and have at times wished I could speak the "King's English"
as well, as there's something romantic/sexy and charming about hearing the
British<smile> speak. However, I stay away from German writing/speaking as I
done a horrible job with my German dictionary/speaking when I was last in
Vienna, Austria. (although my Grandfather is from Berlin and my father from
Sicily (sort of Nazi/Fascists sounding, but I do bleed red, white and blue

As to a spell checker, I'm just as guilty as the next for NOT using it and
typos are missed with no proofreading on my part. That's why I had a
proofreader when I used to be a publication editor. ;-)


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