[StBernard] Field of Dreams

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Mar 14 21:16:23 EDT 2007

Chad: " ...in Murphy's area nor the Judge's proposed oil spill area." --Chad

***How then, was Florida Avenue affected, Plaza St. at the park to Judge
Perez, Jacob, etc. and not have oil even float to that point? So many right
turns, angles, etc. that dictate where air and water will carry the nasty
stuff. The extended map goes to Florida, so how do'ya figure, "short and
sweet"<G>? Do they love to give awards to people whose area was not included
in the oil spill suit and map?



Let me make this short and sweet, Val Riess park or Versailles whichever you
want to call it was not in the OIL SPILL, its near the area that was in the
oil spill but the park itself was not in the oil spill area from what I
understand. Not in Murphy's area nor the Judge's proposed oil spill area.

Just wanted to be clear on that as well.



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