Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Mar 26 21:52:29 EDT 2007

Thanks, Craig for the info. You confirmed what we already thought was the
case. We purchased the property after the storm so that takes care of that.
And the esteemed LRA undervalued our flooded home--that combined with the
insurance we received, equates to our not receiving any funds from them. We
still haven't gotten a straight answer from them as to whether we can use
the elevation funds on the new property. I'm guessing--NOT. Since that's
our luck so far. Oh well, I never wanted to retire, be financially secure,
leave a huge inheritance for my only child...I'm thinking a big fence around
our property with a sign that lets the government agencies know they aren't

If you hear of any programs we may be candidates for, please let me know.
We'd appreciate it.

We'll see you at the meeting Wednesday.

Tell Debbie hi.



Once the ABFE is implemented then ICC money is available for B zoned
properties if the house that was present before the storm is taken
down and
the new house on the same property is voluntarily elevated or the
home is elevated where it stands.

if it is a new property for you and it is not the same property that
you had
flood insurance on then it likely will not be covered by ICC.

as far as LRA, if you were eligible for the road home grant then you
also qualify for hazard mitigation money for elevation in addition
to ICC

hope this helps

God Bless,

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