[StBernard] GOP Failing in Louisiana

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Apr 14 22:03:39 EDT 2007

Well, I believe that IF Mr. Braud believed he would win the court case of
primary residency for the past several years, he WOULD have won. His
personal advisors (along with him) probably believed chances were slim to
win. Mr. Braud is not a quitter, he's smart enough to believe in the law of
probability. So, now the result is Mr. Jindal. I believe Mr. Boasso
(although the gentleman he is, is a long-shot winner of 13-16% of the vote
if he runs the gamut to election day. It's quite possible with the
popularity of Mr. Jindal, he may take it in the Primary (if not, at the
secondary election).

For the record, many of us believe that Mr. Braud (to date) is an honorable,
intelligent man with many networking skills/acquaintances in high places.
However, Louisiana needs to step forward and thus, for the most part, Mr.
Jindal has the better chance to get into the governor's mansion mandated by
the will of the people to "stir of the pot" for advancing our state into
technology, and utilizing strengths while eliminating weaknesses.

However, should anyone else squeak by, we pray that person has guidance to
know what needs to be done and delegate the powers that be to participate in
full-Louisiana recovery as no other recovery has before. Aggressiveness,
knowledge of what it truly takes to make LA a winner in national circles,
get tourism and economic development back on track and "make all mamas (and
papas) proud."


Finally, we are through with the "will he or won't he" garbage with John
Breaux (perhaps James Quinn can finally go home for a day or two).

At any rate, here's a blog I posted about the GOP in Louisiana.

Just one little note, I did start writing this last night, before Breaux
dropped out.



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