[StBernard] GOP Failing in Louisiana

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Apr 14 22:19:08 EDT 2007

Wow! I don't see how Jindal won't be elected guv now. The Democrats don't
have anyone with the necessary horsepower to run against him.

As far as '08, well. the Republicans have forfeited any chances they might
have had. The war, Gonzales, Katrina, using RNC email accounts to conduct
official business...the list seems to go on and on. I think people are just
tired of Bush and the clown act.

The Louisiana gubernatorial election is Bobby's to lose. The national
elections in '08 (at this time) are the Dems to lose.

Now if Fred Thompson decides to throw his hat in the ring...who knows?


Finally, we are through with the "will he or won't he" garbage with
Breaux (perhaps James Quinn can finally go home for a day or two).

At any rate, here's a blog I posted about the GOP in Louisiana.

Just one little note, I did start writing this last night, before
dropped out.


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