[StBernard] EDITORIAL: The Advocate calls for legislative support of Governor Blanco's proposed pre-K investment

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Apr 23 18:26:37 EDT 2007

EDITORIAL: The Advocate calls for legislative support of Governor Blanco's proposed pre-K investment

Periodically, the press office will publish editorials and columns that feature Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco's work in various areas.

The Advocate: Our Views: Boost pre-K for progress
Article published Apr 23, 2007
Click here to view the article online
Gov. Kathleen Blanco is no newcomer to the cause of expanding pre-kindergarten education for Louisiana's youngsters.

Blanco worked closely with Cecil Picard, the late state superintendent of education, to get more youngsters into pre-K programs, and the governor argued for critical new state funding for pre-K programs as federal funding diminished.

Now, in her final months in office, Blanco wants to boost annual spending by $30 million for the state's principal public pre-K program, LA4. The program targets children from disadvantaged families and helps prepare them early for academic life. Nearly every 4-year-old from poor families would be able to be enrolled in education classes if Blanco's plan is approved.

Studies show that children who attend pre-K are less likely to have academic problems later on.

Blanco said she is not aware of any substantial opposition to her proposal in the Legislature, which must approve her spending plans. A huge state budget surplus might make Blanco's pre-K plan easier to approve.

The dividends of investing in education can take years to materialize.

But strategic investment in early childhood education is exactly what Louisiana needs. We must improve student performance in Louisiana to build our economy, and access to pre-kindergarten education must be a part of that effort.

In advocating expansion of pre-K programs, Blanco is squarely in the political mainstream. A record-breaking 29 governors across America are making pre-kindergarten a priority, according to a state-by-state analysis of gubernatorial commitment to early childhood education recently released by Pre-K Now, a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group.

Pre-K Now's analysis shows bipartisan support for expanding pre-K programs. Nine of the nation's 22 Republican governors and 20 of the 29 Democratic governors are proposing additional funds for pre-K this fiscal year.

We hope Blanco's plan to expand pre-K also enjoys bipartisan support in the coming session of the Legislature.

Clearly, many other states are pursuing pre-K expansion in the race to boost student achievement.

Louisiana, already far behind in the race, can afford to do no less.


The Louisiana Disaster Recovery Foundation
Louisiana's Fund for Louisiana's People

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