[StBernard] college choices

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue May 22 20:21:59 EDT 2007


I couldn't agree more. Whats more, because I worked at UNO for a few years
in the Library, I got to meet many student from "more prestigious" schools
come home during the summer to attend a city college to pick up their GPA
(Many were from Tulane and Loyola). Within 10 days of classes, many were
returning the books to the library that they checked out. I always asked if
they were renewing and many said no, that they dropped their summer
schedule. Being a typical woman and being nosy, I always asked why. The
answer was because this school asked too much for three lousy credits. Then
when I worked for two departments I really understood. Many of the
professors there knew how they were looked on by their equals and to many of
their peers, so they pushed students harder. This way, when they graduated
and went on to graduate school, they would know that the students from their
programs were well prepared, it really brought a lot of notoriety to the
Political Science, Anthropology, Business, Computer, etc. departments. To
date, I can pump out a 10-15 page paper with out any trouble. I have true
confidence in my research capabilities and the ability to express them. Like
you said, UNO might not be that prestigious, but believe me when I say
(atleast prior to the storm) you really got a huge bang for the buck.


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