[StBernard] Building better

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue May 29 22:40:09 EDT 2007

My marriage of 35 years did not end in divorce, so does this make me a bad
partner? <G> Does this encourage homosexuality because/when some can't make
their marriage work?

Besides: My faith in God instructs me to follow his law as strictly as
possible (since we all sin to some degree). Does adhering to the
"abomination" written within God's rules of behavior make me a bad person
for following God's laws faithfully?

I believe in God's commandments. Should I/we abandon the church of thousands
of years and its teachings because people can't control their lifestyle
within the realm of what God allows?

Shall we ask God to "back up" and perhaps restore Sodom and Gomorrah as a
mistake? The internal destruction of great empires of Rome, Greece, etc.
fell (most scholars claim) due to "internal combustion" from similar
situations which are now become commonplace in our societies, maybe

I trust God since I feel I can no longer do so with humanity's choice of


"On a slightly different note, where do you get the statistic that 54% of
marriages end in divorce? --Westley

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