[StBernard] Expanding higher ed access for low income students

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jun 4 18:26:33 EDT 2007


I, too, thought Jer overreacted to John's story. My husband is a fan of

Jeri Ryan also and thinks she is beautiful. I also can see, and she is
beautiful. My husband may be married but he is not dead. He can
a good looking woman just as I can appreciate a good looking man. I
appreciate good looking women, children, babies, old men. It doesn't
mean I
lust for them or "want" them. I would enjoy meeting someone on TV and
Jeri Ryan was in town I would be more than happy if my husband had an
opportunity to meet her. I'm not afraid something would happen between
or any other woman for that matter. I trust him and know he is a
man. I also like to tease him with things like: "As if you'd have a
chance!" It is funny and we are playing with each other. Jer has a
that this would not be healthy for a marriage if it were serious. I
think he understood the joke, but I did. Couples married many years
have many thing between then that only they understand. Jer, it is all
good fun. Don't be so serious! I enjoy reading your opinions too, Jer,
don't think I'm picking. I'm always afraid I'm going to step on toes



>Mr. Jer,


>John wanted to respond to you, but I told him I wanted to since your

>commentary inevitably implicates me and I feel you and others would

have a

>better understanding of his humorous story if it came from me.


>Johnny showed me what he wrote because he knew I would get a laugh out


>because it reminded me of what happened that day, which I found to be



>Spouses, like good friends will often have a running joke or inside


>between them. Even it is sexual or of a serious subject in nature.



>probably right, the two of you are very different, but not becaus

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