[StBernard] Washington Report from Rep. Richard H. Baker

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Jun 8 22:55:51 EDT 2007

June 8, 2007

Thank you for signing up for Congressman Baker’s newsletter. Below are issue updates that you may find interesting. As always, please visit his website at http://www.baker.house.gov <http://www.baker.house.gov/> for the most up-to-date news and information on what Congressman Baker is working on in the Sixth Congressional District of Louisiana.

Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Legislation Fails in the U.S. Senate

On June 7th, the U.S. Senate held a procedural vote on legislation to provide amnesty to approximately 12 million illegal aliens now residing in America, putting them on a path to citizenship. As a result of this vote, the Senate halted debate on the amnesty legislation in order to move on to other business. This vote was a devastating blow to those Senators advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants and was a victory for the rule of law in America.

Congressman Baker opposes the Senate immigration bill because it containes amnesty for illegal immigrants. In the House of Representatives, Congressman Baker will support legislation to secure our borders and crack down on businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens. Click here <http://www.baker.house.gov/files/floorspeech_immigration.wmv> to watch a video of Congressman Baker speaking out against immigration on the House floor.

Temporary Change to U.S. Passport Policy For Passports Caught in Logjam

The U.S. passport office is experiencing an unprecedented demand for passports as Americans comply with new border documentation requirements. As a result, there will be a temporary lift on the requirement that U.S. passports be used for U.S. citizens flying to and from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda. Instead, travelers will be allowed to fly without a passport to those selected destinations through the end of September 2007 if they present a State Department receipt showing they have applied for a passport and government-issued identification, such as a driver’s license. Those who have not applied for a passport will not be allowed to travel. Please click here for more detailed information. <http://www.baker.house.gov/html/content.cfm?id=657>

Congressman Baker Stands Firm Against a ‘Clone and Kill’ Bill

In a last minute maneuver, Democratic leadership attempted to pass a bill on Wednesday that would have allowed the creation of human embryos for the sole purpose of destructive research. This ‘clone and kill’ measure is banned in over 30 countries, including Canada, Germany and France. Congressman Baker, along with a majority of his colleagues in the House of Representatives, voted against and defeated this highly unethical bill.

Congressman Baker Opposes Effort to Allow Federal Funding for the Destruction of Human Embryos

The House of Representatives considered a bill earlier this week to allow federal funding for new embryonic stem cell research. Holding with his deep belief that taxpayers should not be forced to support the destruction of human embryos to obtain stem cells, Congressman Baker voted again this bill. However, despite his vote, the bill passed by a vote of 247-176 and now heads to the President, where he will likely veto the bill. Congressman Baker is an active supporter of adult stem cell research and is a co-sponsor of the "Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act" which increases funding for research into alternative ways of deriving pluripotent stem cells. In just the past few weeks, great strides have been made in adult stem cell research, and Congressman Baker hails researchers for making such important advancements. In support of this ethical, non-controversial research, Congressman Baker worked relentlessly to bring the Anthrogenesis Company (now Celgene) and its placenta depository to the greater Baton Rouge area. Under a voluntary agreement with LSU’s charity hospital, including the Earl K. Long Medical Center, Louisiana mothers now have the option to donate placentas after birth for new stem cell technology research. In return, if donors require stem cell transplants, they have lifetime access to the repository.

New Poll on Congressman Baker’s Website

Do you support federal funding for the destruction of human embryos to obtain stem cells? Click here to register your opinion <http://baker.house.gov/index.cfm> .

U.S. House Calls on China to Stop Genocide and Violence in Sudan

Last week President Bush imposed a new series of sanctions on the Sudanese government and its leaders. Strong sanctions represent a crucial bridge in the efforts to force the Sudanese government to stop its reprehensible program of genocide in Darfur. In spite of evidence of genocide and other atrocities, China has continued as Sudan’s largest trading partner and main foreign investor in its oil sector. House Resolution 422 calls on the Chinese government to acknowledge and condemn the atrocities in Darfur, cease all weapon and military sales to the Sudanese government, and suspend all economic cooperation. Congressman Baker strongly supported this measure and the resolution received unanimous support in the House of Representatives. To read more about U.S. efforts in Sudan, please click here. <http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/58277.pdf>

House Passes Health Information Technology Bill

Earlier this week, Congressman Baker supported and the House of Representatives passed a bill that promotes research and training in health information technology. Under the bill, the National Science Foundation would administer a $99 million grant program that will be available to universities and colleges, with the goal of training 10,000 new health IT professionals by 2010. Health IT allows comprehensive management of medical information and its secure exchange between health care consumers and providers. Congressman Baker recognizes the importance of incorporating this type of technology into our health care system to improve its efficiency and effectiveness in treating patients.

Congressman Baker Helps Pass Science and Technology Bills

Congressman Baker continues to support efforts within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Department of Energy (DOE) that push the envelope of our nation’s technical possibilities and provide opportunities to recruit and train researchers in cutting-edge technology. With Congressman Baker’s support, the House of Representatives passed a pair of bills that will provide additional support to research efforts within NSF and DOE. H.R. 1716 allows DOE and NSF to work together in funding a graduate education and research training program to support advanced energy, architectural and engineering technology research and development of high performance buildings. H.R. 632 authorizes DOE to establish monetary prizes for achievements in overcoming scientific and technical barriers associated with hydrogen energy.

Katrina/Rita Households Must Verify Continued Need for Rental Assistance

In April 2007, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began conducting extensive outreach to 31,000 individuals and families still receiving disaster rental assistance. The primary purpose of the outreach is to determine if these individuals and families have a continuing need for disaster rental assistance. Although FEMA’s authority to provide housing assistance was extended until the end of August, 2007, individuals and families still need to demonstrate a continued need for assistance.

Specifically, FEMA is asking individuals to complete and sign the declaration of continuing need for temporary housing assistance. For more information, please call the FEMA hotline at 1-800-621-3361.

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