[StBernard] Sheriff's Race

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Sep 13 22:38:25 EDT 2007


To say I have an ulterior motive is laughable to me. What motive? Wanting
to be safer? I have nothing to gain except to be safer. St. Bernard USED
to be very safe before Katrina. I do not feel that safety as I used too.
Yes, it is safer than New Orleans, but most places are. I have called the
police, and know people that have called the police for various small crimes

such as stealing copper and such (if you want to call that small) and the
police do not come. Whether or not sheriff Stephens is vulnerable, I don't
know. But if he is, that is his own fault. If the public doesn't think he
is doing a good enough job he should go. The people will decide. I do not
agree that running against him is equal to "exploiting" him. I realize the
Shrieff stayed during the storm, as he should have. I do not know about who

ran away when they should have stayed at their post or who wants revenge. I

know Mr. Bernadas doesn't want revenge. He is a good and moral husband and
father and an honorable person. I think the current sheriff is adequate. I

have lived here all my life and so have my parents and grandparents. When
you live here, you know things and the sheriff's office is very corrupt.
That is my motive. I feel for the very hard job a sheriff will have to do.
I understand that we are in the middle of a whole bunch of stuff with FEMA
and everything else. I think it goes without saying that Mr. Bernadas is my

first choice and Sheriff Stephens is your. We may just have to agree to





> Very well said, I respect your opinion.However, you must have ulterior

>motives to question the Job Sheriff Stephens has done in the past

>and the very security he and his Dept. have provided this parish for the

>past two decades. This is more than likely his last campaign and now is not

>the time for change. He is in direct contact with FEMA and recovery

>representatives trying to restore the Dept. to it's Pre -Katrina level and

>doing a damn good job of it I might add. Now is not a time to stop the

>wheels in motion. I respect Mr. Bernadas' knowledge and efforts and his

>willingness to progress and change to further the complete return of St.

>Bernard Parish. If you look around and read the papers this Parish is quite

>safe. This kind of atmosphere only furthers the recovery of St. Bernard


> I think Mr. Bernadas should concentrate his efforts on his real estate


>try to provide housing for the displaced citizens still living in FEMA

>trailers, instead of stopping the wheels in motion. You your-self should

>know with the exception of Mr. Pellittier the other Candidates are only in

>this race for revenge. Mr. Maitre and Mr. Arnold both worked for the

>Sheriff's Dept. prior to Katrina. Mr. Arnold tucked tail and took a ferry

>across the river during the night and disappeared a couple days after the

>storm. Mr. Maitre I believe left for personal reasons prior to Katrina. I

>not even going to get into Mr. Landry's situation, it speaks for itself. By

>the way Mr. Arnold did recently try to get his job back. He had the


>to ask for his prior rank and position before Katrina. I know these facts


>be very creditable and true. I also know Mr. Pellittier personally who's

>campaign is quite genuine and for the right reasons, however he does not

>have the Money, Criminal knowledge or support to get elected, although like

>I said his motives are true and genuine.

> This is the first election since the storm and apparently Mr. Bernadas

>feels that Sheriff Stephens is vulnerable according to the last election

>which I think is safe to say prompted his campaign. I say, Mr. Bernadas


>down for the time being and concentrate your efforts else where. Let the

>wheels of progress continue for the Sheriff's Dept. this is not a time for

>change in the Sheriff's Dept. As I stated before St. Bernard Parish is

>statistically the safest community in the Metropolitan area. I say let

>Sheriff Stephens continue to provide the safety and security that some

>people are apparently questioning and let Mr. Bernadas use his Real Estate

>knowledge and concentrate his efforts on providing a roof over the


>citizens of St. Bernard Parish.



> "Now is not the time for change when it concerns the safety and

>security of St. Bernard Parish"


> This is a critical time in the recovery and rebuilding of this parish and

>to gamble with the safety and security of the Parish, just for the sake of

>change is wrong. I know your going to say other people are capable of this

>task as well, why not give them a chance. That very well may be the case,

>but the timing is wrong. Just to exploit the vulnerability of Sheriff

>Stephens left from the last election for the sake of bringing down the so

>called "MACHINE" is just plain Ludicrous.



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