[StBernard] Gubernatorial Opponents Mock Jindal During Louisiana Debate In New Orleans

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Oct 4 21:47:39 EDT 2007

"I'm beginning to wonder if Jindal's handlers and advisers are serving him
well. I know the politically expedient thing to do, when you have a large
lead, is
to keep the candidate from making any statements that could bite him in the
butt. However, it seems this is beginning to backfire in his case. We all
know the man is intelligent and well spoken. But ya know...voters are
fickle creatures, they may decide if he can't debate his opponents how's he
going to handle the Legislature? --Jim"

Jer responds: Jim, I don't know what makes you believe Mr. Jindal is
"SCARED" of those cast of candidates (I won't mention clowns, of course).

Mr. Jindal has stood before more adversity than those 3 millionaires who
have nothing else to do with their money than scratch, paw and tear asunder
a successful, decent guy. (sorry, but I cannot say this for the other
candidates not knowing 1 or 2 personally).

If I'm correct from what I've seen and heard in the news, a few candidates
are pulling on straws to see who can tamper with people's faith, peoples
decent records and name-damaging election run. For anyone who attempts to
run an election this way leaves doubts in decent voters who wish a grand
change (for the better, mind you) but can only witness a corruptive blight
of slander, lies and deceit. I can only sit back and grin knowing one or two
of these characters and their desperate attempt to not only have a truckload
of money, but a heartful of misdeeds and corruption. What decent man is
capable to vicious attacks at an opponent knowing there's no basis for such

Fickle? People are not as stupid as you paint them. They know a decent
person when they hear/see one. I'll have to give them credit for one thing:
If they wish to lose an election hands down, they're doing a terrific job at

After election time, their coiffeur will be lighter by millions, embarrassed
by their actions and go into hiding with shame. If they do not after their
loss, they should be because I'm embarrassed (for example) of a St. Bernard
boy shaming their parish by setting this pitiful example. Is this the type
of man we want in the governor's mansion representing St. Bernard Parish? I
hope not and I don't care which part of LA the new governor hails, I and
everyone else just wishes to see improvements by a mile and lead with
dignity, honor, and success.

It will not happen, I believe, seeing how these cast of characters run their
election attempt. In fact, I'm sickened knowing they are even running as
professionals and honest people that they claim they are. We're witnessing a
"window to their souls" by their demonstrative actions.

As far as "bite him in the butt?" There's little to grasp onto by one's
teeth with his small statue and buns of steel. (however, I cannot say that
for the other "big-bone" candidates <chuckle>.


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