[StBernard] truck stop

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Dec 13 22:16:12 EST 2007

I agree with the former, and also, from a national perspective, what kind of
a message is that sending? The Parish is full of volunteers giving their
sweat and time to help assist the "needy". If I were them, I would think
that if we are so "in need of help", then how can we afford to throw our
money around at casinos? That would make me think twice about spending my
time and money only to enable their gambling habits. MsSimms

Well said (below quote).
Could have not said it better myself.
I too am NOT antigambling although it does NOT tempt me in the least, we
have plenty other places to go to for whoever wants.
The money issue: well, there got to be other ways to make money. I too was
offended by that 'nothing is going on' statement, as I truly enjoy the
'nothingness' that is so rare these days.

Somehow the
statement of "nothing is going on down there" sounds inflammatory to
Sometimes somebody's nothing is someone else's peaceful paradise, or
quaint historic plantation, or a high school full of teenagers. I'm< BR>not

against business, I'm not anti-gambling, it's just the wrong
location for
truck stop/casino


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