[StBernard] Old Neighborhoods

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Mar 25 18:53:12 EDT 2008

I was in the Jasmine (1 block from Franklin, a block or 2 from the Catholic
Church) in the early-mid seventies). I've been to the Verbina bakery on many
occasions late night to get their "infamous" glazed donuts for a nickel!!

Even though I crave nightly these days for one of those melt-in-your-mouth
donuts, I know how addictive it was waiting for the smell outside of the
garage-turned bakery in the rear to have fresh hot varieties instill
cravings and sinful delights. I'll never forget that place and no one (not
even Binders, Randazzo's, or Krispy Kreme could touch their wares for the 5
cent values.

What a memory.

I thought you were one of those Dolese grocery descendents <smile>..


Old Neighborhoods,

I also grew up in the same area. I lived on Acacia St. near Jasmine until I
moved to Chalmette in 1976. Walked the streets like you in the fifties at
night to get donuts from the famous Verbina bakery. Skated at Kopplemans'
rink for years
Don't know if you ever attended the St. Rock reunions that were held here in
the parish at the civic center. Sure wish that this could get started again
once our center has been put back into use,. It was always a fun night to
see all the people we grew up with but also a sad one to find out those
that had passed on.

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