[StBernard] The Kennedy Update

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jun 12 18:00:48 EDT 2008

Dear Friend,

It's official - hard working families in Louisiana are getting tax relief
they deserve!

Following this week's unanimous approval by Louisiana's State Senate,
Governor Jindal is preparing to sign a $300 million tax reduction for
Louisianans. State Treasurer John Kennedy knows taxpayers ought to keep more
of their own money. And during these tough economic times, John strongly
believes our families know better than politicians how to spend their own
hard earned tax dollars.

But there's plenty more to do. John's fight to bring accountability and
sunshine to our earmarking process has just begun. Kennedy believes earmark
reform is right for Louisiana, and this week the Houma Courier
itle=Money_should_go_toward_state_priorities> agreed, saying taxpayers
"should know something about where the money is going and what it is

But not everyone agrees. After legislators stalled on an opportunity to
bring transparency and accountability to our broken earmark system, our
opponent in Washington - who still refuses to disclose her own earmarks -
inexplicably applauded its defeat after telling the Monroe News-Star
/1002/rss01> just days earlier that she disagreed "with anyone who is
against earmarks."

And here at home, at a time when our families struggle to pay record high
prices at the pump, John opposes the legislative pay raise. He knows that's
not the popular position among his colleagues at the State Capitol, but they
knew their salaries from the very start.

Our campaign for change and reform stands squarely on the side of every
Louisianan who believes we need to change how we do the people's business in
Washington. Real reform is hard. That's why the special interests are
working overtime to keep things just the way they are. But if you believe,
as John does, that the time for change is now, we hope you'll visit our new
Web site, www.JohnKennedy.com.

Tell us what you think of our new site. We want to know what you like - and
even what you don't. Our campaign for change isn't about partisanship or
political games. Our campaign stands for change against more of the same old
tired politics.

But, more than anything else, our campaign is about putting you first. So,
get ready for the long road ahead. Standing shoulder to shoulder in the
fight for change, we're going to make history this November!

Thank you for your support,

Team Kennedy

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