[StBernard] Which engineer would you hire?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Aug 5 00:20:55 EDT 2008

But John,

When Contrctor McCain made his presentation, did he bother to explain
that there was 9 trillion dollars of overages in his projections, he filed
numerous papers wrong, he had inspectors on his payroll (lobbyist) and that
4400 men lost their lives building them. You are right, that Contractor
Obama doesn't have much in the way of experience, however, Einstein didn't
have any experience building a bomb when he did it. If I remember right he
did a pretty good job when he did, think that's how we won WWII if I'm not
mistaken. I'm not saying Obama won't mess up, hell any and everyone would.
BUT, with a younger generation comes newer ideas. Will Obama be more of the
same, I don't know but with McCain I know I will and Obama wasn't my first


-----Original Message-----
Westley, I've never actually commented through the bulletin board here my
position and thoughts on the upcoming Presidential election. I decided to
write the below commentary in hopes that it makes others think and hopefully
prompts them to pass it on to their family and friends.

A Different Perspective on the Presidential Election: Which Engineer Would
You Hire?

by John Scurich

Let's pretend for a moment come November we will not be voting to elect a
President but instead we'll be voting to award a major construction project
to bidding engineers. Let's say this project will be a multi-billion dollar
building that will be important to your community.

The selection process has been narrowed down to two engineering candidates -
Barrack Obama and John McCain.

First, Mr. McCain makes his presentation to us. He talks about his many
years of experience, even providing many photos of other beautiful buildings
he has designed and overseen construction in cities around the country.
Upon being questioned if any of his past projects have failed or collapsed
into ruin, he promptly answers "never" and goes on to explain his plan to
build this proposed new structure isn't just based on ideas or theories, but
will be built on solid engineering principles, evidenced by his past works.
By no means does Mr. McCain "woo us" with his presentation style, but
clearly has a solid resume to his credit.

Next, Mr. Obama comes in to make his presentation. He comes across well
spoken and impressive explaining how he has many wonderful ideas for the new
proposed structure and some preliminary sketch drawings to show us. Upon
being questioned about his record on the buildings he has already
constructed and how well they are holding up, Mr. Obama responds "well, I've
never actually built anything yet. You see, I've only recently become an
engineer and all I have to go on is my college project drawings to give you
some idea of what I might be able to do for you."

Folks, at this point what do you think would be going through your mind? Who
do you think you would trust with such an expensive and important project -
someone with a solid resume or a kid fresh out of college? Which is what
this scenario basically amounts to.

Keep in mind, though brilliant right out of college, even Frank Lloyd Wright
would not have been considered by Mr. Guggenheim to design and build his now
famous museum - not until Wright had a well established resume. Certainly,
you would give this a lot of thought before voting for either of the
engineers to take on this project.

Yet it seems many in this country are giving less thought and examination as
to who they trust to serve in a position of far greater importance - our
next President. History has shown the repeated failures of so called
leaders armed only with "good ideas" and good intentions - which reminds me
of something my parents use to warn me about a "road to hell?"

I believe there is something to be said for experience. It's nothing
personal against Barrack Obama, but this is precisely why I've decided to
support John McCain.

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