[StBernard] Check out The Reverend Manning - The Rev. gets revved up--again! Pretty Heavy Stuff from the Reverend on Palin & Obama

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Sep 20 15:12:44 EDT 2008

John, John, John.....

Liberals are not upset that Gov. Palin"s daughter is pregnant. See you've
got it all wrong. We liberals ae upset by the total hypocracy of the
situation. Let me explain. 6 months ago when Jamie Spears released the news
that she ws pregnant and was keeping the baby, Fox News had a field day
asking where was her mother and father, what was wrong with this family, how
could they let this happen to her, how she was a disgrace. Check back, I'm
sure youtube has replays. I mean O'Reilly had a field day of a 5 minute rant
about it. 6 months later, same issue but no questions as to whether or not
her mom's career may have caused her daughter to stray? There are no
questions as to the parenting of thes two people. Why?
Conservatives constantly want to cut medicaid and social service help,
yet are prolife. What kind of life will there be for a child who can't eat
or received proper medical care? Now, I know that people should know better,
but then you have Conservatives teaching abstinance only in schools instead
of true sex ed, and young girls are lied to and then inpregnated. Why
because their parents are working service and low income jobs, that usually
have non-business hours so these teens are left on their own. Now what, no
abortions....and the social service system is already over burdened to take
the child into foster care...now what. This is a vicious circle that feeds
I think that's it's great that her family is there to support her. I
applaud her CHOICE that she has...but many others don't have a choice, they
live in community where choices are limited. HIV is growing faster in the
black female population than any other. Why? Lack of information and
knowledge, that's also why we have higher teen pregnancy rates than Europe,
higher sexually transmitted diseases than Europe, etc. America's uptight
puritanical thinking is causing most of these problems. Sex ed in Europe
startes in elementary school. Now we're not talking full on sex ed, but
rather relationship education, good touch bad touch education, proper
behavior, etc.
Then, when the pregnancy is hard enough....these kids are going to get
married- the only thing issing fro the photo-ops was the shotgun! The reps
kept saying this girl made one mistake...I don't know many people that got
pregnant the first time, so statistcally speaking she made several mistakes
over several months, and yet still no questions to the parents? Then the
talking point was that this a "family matter". I remember a democrat
president president who had an affair and wanted to be kept a "family
matter," yet reps said no. Why is the standard different? Becuase she isn't
an elected official...You're right, but she is the minor child of an elected
official who is legally obligated to take care of her. So, if her own
daughter couldn't trust her, how are we the American people suppose to? If
she couldn't handle her teenage daughter, how can we ask her to handle rogue
nations, etc.
You see we liberals aren't upset about the pregancy, we're happy to
have conservatives knocked off their high moral horse.

Wendy H

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