[StBernard] This story alone, is reason enough to boycott NBC News -- to Laurie

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Oct 3 18:43:27 EDT 2008


After watching the "different polls," I have to wonder if it's not wishful
thinking by the main stream media!!

I will admit that in the beginning of all of this, I even said that Obama
can give a speech -- but that's it "give a speech." The interviews that
I've watched helped me make my decision because he cannot give a straight-on
answer -- he reminds me of a different candidate from the past that likes to
"flip-flop" on crucial areas. And I at first was a "what was he thinking
on selecting Palin." After watching and reading different things on Miss
Palin, I have to say "That's My V.P.!!" She did call him on different
things a few times. And I loved the way that she called him on the
"constant looking back" and that it's "political to pay higher taxes!!"

By the way, I did watch both debates, and I have to wonder what debate the
media was watching because it was clear to me each time that McCain and
Palin did win hands down.

TJH --

-----Original Message-----
John McCain suffered horribly in that prison and was tortured severely. He
is very strong emotionally to be able to go on and live the life he has and
accomplish all that he has. I know some say he is too old, or to
sentimental, or reminisces too much, but he has a lot to think back on and
has lived an extraordinary life. What happened to him is a part of him and
he cannot be himself without remembering that. He has so much life
experience and world experience that Obama cannot even begin to understand.
Obama is so naive and he is not even in the same league as John McCain. I
will be so disappointed in the American people if Obama, an inexperienced
two year Senator, wins this election, but it looks like this is what may
happen. Some voters are just gullable koolaid drinkers, those poor creepy
kids singing that song are proof of that!


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