[StBernard] Kennedy Campaign Launches LandrieuObama.com

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Oct 3 18:47:54 EDT 2008


Folks, this week was a turning point in our campaign for change in Washington. If there was ever a doubt that Washington is in the ditch, those doubts were erased when we watched Washington politicians enact a pork-laden, roughly trillion-dollar bailout that rewards greed. And guess what – liberal Mary Landrieu played election year politics and tried to tack on another billion dollars!

Conservative State Treasurer John Kennedy called the bailout “an unprecedented breach of the taxpayer’s trust” because he believes it puts “taxpayers on the hook while failing to hold anyone accountable.” It’s the Washington solution to every problem – borrow and spend more money, saddle taxpayers with more debt, and do nothing to prevent this from happening again.


Kennedy Campaign Launches New TV Ad & Website: LandrieuObama.Com <http://www.landrieuobama.com/>

John Kennedy supports John McCain for President. Our opponent Mary Landrieu endorsed, raised money for and votes time after time with Senator Barack Obama. Now, you’re probably reading this asking yourself, “How can a sitting Louisiana Senator vote and agree with the most liberal member of the United State Senate almost every time?” We’re shaking our heads, too.

To help Louisianans get the facts about Mary Landrieu’s choice for President of the United States, we launched a new website: www.LandrieuObama.com <http://www.landrieuobama.com/> . On LandrieuObama.com <http://www.landrieuobama.com/> Louisianans can see how liberals Mary Landrieu and Barack Obama stand together in opposing conservative values. You can also watch our new TV and radio ads highlighting Mary Landrieu’s record of voting with the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama, 81 percent of the time. <http://www.landrieuobama.com/> From supporting abortion rights, record tax increases and opposing conservative judges, liberal Mary Landrieu voted lock step with Barack Obama <http://www.landrieuobama.com/> .

Let’s Make Sure We Elect A Conservative To The U.S. Senate – Donate Now To John Kennedy. <http://www.johnkennedy.com/contribute.php>


Conservative Senator Catches Mary Landrieu Playing Election-Year Politics

Senators try to jam through massive spending bills to help them get re-elected, just like Mary Landrieu’s billion-dollar bill, while taxpayers get further and further into debt.

John Kennedy will fight to get our fair share from Washington. We all want to help farmers and those in need. But Mary Landrieu thinks Louisianans can’t tell the difference between spending to help hurting families, and spending designed to help politicians.

Well folks, we do. And so does Conservative Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who caught Mary Landrieu red-handed playing politics with our farmers. Senator Coburn’s staff said Mary’s bill "is about helping Senator Landrieu's re-election campaign, not Oklahoma farmers. This is not a serious bill. It was introduced at the last minute and has never gone through committee. We call this press release legislation.” <http://www.oklahomafarmreport.com/wire/news/00705_LandrieuCoburn10032008_063208.php>

Amen. Politicians like Mary Landrieu are why our nation is so badly in debt and why Washington is broken. John Kennedy is a conservative with a record of results for taxpayers – he’s the kind of leader Louisiana needs now more than ever.

Landrieu’s Latest Ad Is “Patently False”

There she goes again…Mary Landrieu’s latest TV ad is a lie. Mary Landrieu intentionally misleads Louisianans into believing John Kennedy improperly used his position on the Citizens Property board and received excessive gifts while hurricane victims were left empty-handed. That’s a flat out lie. That’s why The Times-Picayune <http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/capital/index.ssf?/base//news-6/122292582463260.xml&coll=1> reported that John was “not a recipient” <http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/capital/index.ssf?/base//news-6/122292582463260.xml&coll=1> of the excessive gifts.

The truth is John was the whistleblower and fought to hold the responsible parties accountable. Mary Landrieu should admit her mistake and immediately pull this false ad off the air.

Throughout his entire career, John has been standing up to party bosses and special interests to fight corruption – and that’s exactly what he’ll do as our next U.S. Senator.

Get Involved

Invite your family and friends to join our campaign for change. Please take a moment to visit JohnKennedy.com and make a contribution.

Thank you for your support,

Team Kennedy

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