[StBernard] We learn the "truth" behind Snopes.com

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Oct 14 21:05:42 EDT 2008

Actually, Grimm's jewish friend gave a short answer. The reason they have
an affiliaton and support of Democratic candidates goes back to the early
civil rights movement where they (jews) felt they shared a common bond with
blacks - well, at least that's how he put it.

The other reason has something to do with the Torah. The Jews believe in
abortion because of something in the Torah about when a woman's life is in
peril giving birth, saving the mother always takes priority. Of course,
Grimm did not snap back at his Jewish friend with the obvious question of
would have countered with - even current day proposed anti-abortion laws
allow for such a medical crisis in saving the mother. So that doesn't sound
like a good reason.

I think Jewish people are idoits for supporting black candidates because
when given the opportunity, the black leaders (and the candidate) kick the
Jews in the ass for doing it. An absolute perfect example of what I'm
talking about happened right here in New Orleans only a few years ago.
District judge Miriam Waltzer (jewish, and who had a great reputation for
being tough on criminals) ran for the Louisiana Supreme Court. In the
primary she got something like 49.8% of the vote, just missing a primary
outright victory. Way behind in second place was Bernette J. Johnson - an
"unheard of" among most voters. Immediately into the run-off, Johnson and
her campaign effort begin advertising on radio, tv, newspaper about how this
was a "black vs. white" election and it was high time a black person got
elected to the Louisiana Supreme Court - that was her only argument as to
why she was qualified.

In lieu of the bombardment of attacks from Johnson and so called black
leaders in the New Orleans community, Waltzer caved and dropped out of the
race, handing the Supreme Court justiceship to Johnson who didn't have to
put up much of a campaign. I remember thinking "those lousy ingrates. They
have no problem taking a check from a Jew, but when the time comes for a
little favor in return, all of a sudden a jewish person is just another
whitie." This incident should have been reported in the Jewish national
newspaper and once and for all sent a loud message to this nation's jewish
population just how blacks felt about them.

But, not all Jews are that dumb. There are some who realize what I'm saying
here and saw the light, and that's why these few are Republicans.

So, if Obama gets elected, turns his back on Isreal and kicks the Jews in
the ass again, do you think for one moment I'm going to feel sorry for them?
No way. As far as I'm concerned they're asking for it.


-----Original Message-----
Okay, what was it that Grimm's jewish friend said about Jews and the
Democratic party?

I don't think this is gonna help the Jews with the Democratic party:


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