[StBernard] FYI

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Wed Oct 15 09:10:17 EDT 2008

Here is a warning from a very knowledgeable person from the liberal
Hollywood sector. The words are spooky, grim predictions.

The writer of this essay is Jerry Molen, an Academy Award winning
Hollywood Producer, who produced " Jurassic Park " , "Hook", "Rain Man" and
many more classy movies, and who won the Academy Award for "Schindler's

Jerry is one of the very few conservatives in Hollywood .

Jerry writes:

"We are about to make the Mother-of-All-Mistakes, because the
Republican Party gave us no reliable alternative. If the conservative
movement does not rally behind the only alternative left to us, this country
will become a true Socialist State within the next two Presidential terms.

Ladies and Gentleman, this is the most grave situation this nation
has faced in my lifetime. We just experienced an over hyped, outrageous
primary election season that has left me wondering where the heads of our
citizens are hiding ... must be someplace where the sun doesn't go very

At one time in my life I was a determined, dedicated and ever-loyal
registered Democrat. Then something happened. Lyndon Baines Johnson, that
turned my life around and gave me pause for the veracity of a party that
lives and feeds off of the most unfortunate among us.

Some of them are in their positions in life by their own choosing,
others by outside circumstance. But always, always there was a door open to
them, to reach for new heights, achieve new goals, change their lives for
the better. Similarly, there have always been the bottom feeders, doing what
they could to take advantage of those who had not or have not seen better
days, nor realized that they in fact were the masters of their own destiny.

These unfortunates had come to believe that they were dependent on
people in Washington , who would look out for and take care of them. They
waited and still wait for all those promised freebies.

Most people don't reflect upon the fact that the Democrats ruled
Washington for over 40 years; it wasn't until 1994 when the so-called
Gingrich Revolution changed but only for a while. These same people do not
realize that it was the Democrats who created the failed policies of the
entitlement programs that are now falling apart before our eyes.

Do not think I find the Republicans blameless in all this. They,
too, suffer from the ego and greed built into our system. But in the past
few months I have listened with growing horror to the railings of the left,
calling for yet more giveaways, more promises of a proverbial 'free lunch'.
What sums up my feelings, why I am appalled by those in political power is
contained within a quote by basketball legend and talk show host Charles
Barkley. 'Poor people have been voting for Democrats for the last fifty
years...and they are still poor.'

Now, with our elections, come yet more new promises of change we can
believe in, for the future. But if you really, I mean REALLY listen to what
the new messiah is asking for -- it is not change of policy or change for
the better. This is a warning that he wants our change. And the change you
will get will not be the change you expected or wanted. I leave you my
predictions of what will happen if the junior Senator from Illinois becomes
President especially if the House and Senate are veto-proof Democrat.

1). Strict gun laws, though he promised he would not.

2). In God We Trust will be removed from all currency.

3). He will renege on his pledge to Israel and leave them to the
wolves of Islam.

4). Hillary Clinton will be named to the Supreme Court.

5). Tax rates will surge to the highest levels in 30 years.

6. Capital gains tax will be at least double current levels.

7). Retired Army General Wesley Clark will be named Secretary of

8). Our borders will be open to all comers especially from the
Middle East and South America .

9). Amnesty will be granted to all illegals in the U.S, regardless
of status or even gang membership (think MS-13).

10). Our presence in Iraq will come to an abrupt end with tragic
results though their citizens and devastating consequences to our military.

My predictions will not sit well with some people. The best we
could hope for is that I am wrong.

Any bets?"


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