[StBernard] Did Barack "Spread the Wealth" Obama Just BlowtheElection?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Oct 19 00:27:47 EDT 2008

John Grimm has forwarded a more formal email with my idea to Congressman
Steve Scalise's private email address. I understand Steve has the private
email address to Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager. Now, will they use
it? I hope Grimm conveys to them that everytime I go with what my gut tells
me will work for a candidate, it always does. That's why Grimm usually
bounces things off me for his clients. Boy I hope they listen.


-----Original Message-----
Thank God, this man's true thinking is finally coming through. My prayers
are being answered, people are seeing this man for who he really is. Now,
John, how are you going to get McCain to start running your commercials??

TJH --

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