[StBernard] Media putzes...Anyone else notice?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Oct 19 15:21:25 EDT 2008

On the Fox News network, after the third and final debate, they cut to a
focus group down in Miami, Florida on their reaction. The reporter hosting
that segment asked for a quick show of hands as to who felt Barack Obama won
the debate.

The focus group was two rows of 10 people, a total of 20...I counted. After
being asked 5 people initially raised their hands. Surprised by not seeing
more hands, the reporter said "anyone else?" At his prompting, a few more
raised their hands - and I fould it funny how the focus group members were
looking around the room at one another as to see who else was raising their
hand. Now, here's the sneaking part the reporter thought no one watching
would catch....he never counts the hands, all he said was "there you have
it, a clear majority for Obama." Too bad for him, I had my DVR on and
played it back.

Eight. Yep, that's all. Only 8 people raised their hands saying they
thought Obama won the debate...oh, but it was clear cut majority for Obama,
right? The people in the liberal media are all a bunch of putzes. My
apologies to anyone Jewish if I misspelled it.

John Scurich

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