[StBernard] dolphins owner wants to see team

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Oct 28 09:05:50 EDT 2008

I love it, the Obama campaign spokesman is someone who has NEVER worked a
day in his life at a REAL job where the principles of "real" economics come
into play. They (campaign people) work in the field of "make believe" as do
Hollywood people. It's all PR - or "flash" is another way of putting it. I
know, I worked in campaigns and can even be called guilty of it myself. But
I always know the difference between theory and the real world.

All Obama's campaign advisors have ever worked is in the academia field of
public sector - i.e. government. They haven't the slightest clue what it
means to put a budget together and feel the pressure of making it work
(without being able to wave the magic wand of "raise more taxes"). REAL
business owners have to make due with the revenue stream they have. Obama's
people lack even the capability of understanding what it is to be a REAL
business owner. Their understanding of economics is drawn on a blackboard
with little pieces of chalk - which can be easily erased when they make a
boo-boo. Business owners have to live with their mistakes and face the
challenge of making up for it.

Also, did you notice the Obama spokesman's "smart ass" attitude. He
probably thought most readers wouldn't catch the smug remark referring to
Obama giving needed tax breaks to fans who purchase those increasingly
expensive NFL game tickets. I only wish the Dolphin's owner would have
publicly called him a smart ass - I would have. I can't believe he let some
pseudo-intellectual have such a last word...or perhaps the journalist chose
not to print it.

John Scurich

-----Original Message-----
In case Obama gets elected and raises capital gains tax!!


Even the rich are bailing in case this guy gets elected!

PS If you see an ad for Obama, click on it. The more clicks, the less he has
for TV ads.

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