[StBernard] Obama's medical records

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Oct 28 09:16:16 EDT 2008

The news reports claim he had gotten a "good bill of health" statement (1
page) from his doctor for submissal.

Therefore, the public will not see this, any treatment for Cocaine/Crack,
any other drugs treatments, any social diseases statements, or operations
that may have occurred.

Any presidential candidate that withholds health history, financial
statement, etc. as the highest public servant of the land is also
withholding truth statements which would indeed affect the consideration of
the voter, doubt his/her honesty, etc. One has to think, if he/she is hiding
this info, how much serious info in a deceit of lies is bounded with his

I have to admit: There has never, ever been a candidate of this nature that
not only threatens Americans welfare, but will fool the American face with
more pie being tossed at it than at any time in our history.

Socialism will continue as Foreigners coming in from Socialist countries as
Mexico, and many others will bring their "baggage" of politics with them to
change our country's founding father's politico.

Indeed, not only are we in deep trouble from Democrat's economic crash of a
few months ago (the liberals were in Charge in Congress), but the future
looks the bleakest of any time in history. Doom & gloom seems inevitable,
and chicken little will now have his field day and will finally come to be
believed as a truthful entity.

Just the horrible thought of this Marxist as our presidential leader of our
armed forces and country gives me a very severe case of "Fatal Glutial


Saw this on a blog:

A reliable source has discovered why the Obama campaign will not release
detailed medical records. It would seem the Senator suffers from an
embarrassing condition known as 'Glutial Cheilitis', or in layman's terms, a
chapped butt. The condition is said to have been brought on by prolonged
exposure to the lips of the members of the MSM. At this time there seems to
be no known cure."


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