[StBernard] first news conference

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Nov 9 15:24:51 EST 2008


You are 100% correct. I thought the same thing when I saw his little
sign...must have got it made it a jiffy at Kwik Signs or something. No
president-elect in history has ever had that a press conference. I guess
he's afraid if he doesn't hang a litte $3 sign in front of him when he
speaks we might soon forget who he is.


-----Original Message-----
Oh no Laurie you misunderstood. I know that in transition the winners are
referred to as Prez Elect and VP elect. However there is no "Office of the
President Elect" that I could find. Ya know Obie, he's gotta have a new
sign for everything so it makes him unique! Remember his (as we called it)
his "possum" seal during the race?


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