[StBernard] Obama supporters post-election

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Nov 9 15:27:14 EST 2008


I and pollster John Grimm were talking the other day about how it's our
belief Obie's goal (along with the Dem-wits Party) to find some sort of
"give away" to give to at least a majority of Amercians - whether it's food
stamps to some, a mortgage payment deferral to others, or Earned Income
Credit (which is the biggest bunch of BS ever created and I would
immediately abolish), this way come very election it makes it tough for
someone to vote against the candidate that's "going to give you something."

Not surprising though. The Demwit Party has always held the position that
black voters can easily be bought with a few dollars (literally). It
reminds me of campaign days in easter St. Bernard, east bank Plaquemines and
lower Plaquemines. I remember too many times the candidate I was helping
giving me a few hundred dollars telling me to go into a black bar, buy a few
drinks, stick a few $20s into their hand and make sure they understand the
political sign must stay on their lawn thru election day. ....Yeah, that
REALLY did go on! Of course, I refused to do it so the candidate would
always send someone with me to "buy the votes."

I thought it was a despicable part of campaigning, BUT IT WORKED!!! The
guys I'd work with in the campaign used to laugh and joke about "how chealey
they could buy the black vote in St. Bernard and Plaquemines." And if it
wasn't in a black bar, then it was in a black church handing money to some
of the black preachers in the parishes. No one in local parish politics
will deny it happens...hell, it's been going on long before I was born.

Once I went into to some of the black bars with a candidate on the east bank
of Plaquemines. Before we could even get around to saying anything, several
patrons let us know our opponent was in there a few days ago and gave them
each $20, so how much were we going to offer them? No lie!

But that's on a local level. On the national level they use things like
welfare, food stamps, free college tuition, tax credits for people who don't
even work as it is...these are the tools of buying voters in a presidential
election. You can't call tax breaks as a tool because just about everybody
promises that.

Jer, I like Dennis Miller's analysis of the recent election. As he put it,
when you go down the check list of what you're looking for in a qualified
candidate for President, McCain gets the check in every
category...experience, statesmanship, wisdom, understanding of the issues,
plan of action, etc. - except for when you get down to the very last
category..."free check giv-away." And as Miller put it, "sadly for most
people that one check in that single category is enough for most people to
sell there vote back over to the other guy."

Dennis is right. How sad for the future of this country that people will
sell their souls for a few pieces of gold that will barely get them by thru
tomorrow, not looking at the bigger picture down the road that could turn
their lives around forever."

John Scurich

-----Original Message-----
It's reasonable to believe as long as irresponsible tax and spending will
occur and an additional o-Bee-one-O'BlahMah wants to establish more food
stamps and other depressive/giveaways to healthy, illiterate, yet somewhat
normal people who will get more food stamps, socialism giveaways and 1
Trillion dollars to start--borrowing for it from China, etc. will place us
additional with little fiscal responsibility for a balance budget.

Vulnerable, the large (and smaller) businesses will sellout to foreign
entities (many who don't like us very much (McCain) until more real estate
is owned in the U.S. by foreign business than American owned.

Soon, anywhere you look will be non-American products sold in our
communities and sent back to foreign shores. America will sink like a brick
in a dirty pond. Chavez and Venezuela are but an example of one of the oil
refineries in Chalmette.

Doesn't it sicken any Americans to know this "terrorist" (whom O'Blah-mah
worships as cool and diplomatic without limits to negotiations) is bleeding
America and pegging Americans and conservatives as stupid, conned and

I'd like to thank Mr. O and those who voted for him (either in ignorance or
in spite to send America skidding towards the epiphany of a death march!)..

Jim, you "should be concerned". Personally, I'm sickened.


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