[StBernard] The Year of Mediocrity

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Nov 11 00:51:49 EST 2008

You know, I have to take offense at these "Bushisms".

Everyone has their own particular way of talking, and some people will
mangle words no matter how many times they hear them. How do I know this? I
do the exact same thing.

When I hear Bush speak, it is almost like hearing myself speak. Not being in
the public eye, I do watch what words I do speak and try to avoid words I
know I have a problem pronouncing.

While I don't have camera's on me 24/7, my wife here's me talk more than
anyone else and will often try to correct me.

It's not lack of education, how I was raised, or any other outside factor. I
just can't hear the words correctly because of a lifelong hearing loss. Most
people never know I have bad hearing. Only those that I've spent
considerable time with ever realize I have a hearing loss.

In fact, my ENT doctor didn't realize I had a hearing loss (over 50% in both
ears) until I took a hearing test. I've simply learned to compensate for it
over the years.

According to his medical report from 2007, Bush also has a hearing loss,
"Mild high frequency hearing loss documented and stable on prior exams",
although it doesn't state how long he has had it.

These Bushisms are nothing more than liberals trying to pretend they are
more "intellectual" and poking fun at him.

I guess they just don't want to recognize that it is possible to attend a
liberal school (Andover, Yale, Harvard) and not be brainwashed into becoming
left-wing nut job.


-----Original Message-----


I meant retard in the actual sense....There was a news conference with
him and Tony Blair following 9/11 and he sounded like a damned
retard...Reporters asked questions and he just kept repeating the same lines
that whatever handler gave him to repeat. The Prime Minister Blair started
answering questions...they were thoughtful, well thought out, well phrased,
PROPERLY ennuciated!!!! I mean I know people who have learned english as a
second language that have a better grasp of the english language than our
current president. This has nothing to do with his party it is him...I can't
tell you how many times I have watched his speeches since and sat there with
my fingers crossed saying "just don't screw this up in front of the whole
world" and he did....otherwise where would "bushisms" come from.


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