[StBernard] Possible Obama appointees questioned about gun ownership

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Nov 22 00:25:45 EST 2008

"--And they wonder why gun sales are up now? --anonymous."

Many Americans feel confident enough to say that the 2nd amendment and the
neo-Clinton "oldies but goodies" being hand-picked by BaR-Rack Hussein
O'Blah-mah is NOT the sole reason for Americans to re-arm themselves from
their right to bear arms being threatened.

I'd venture to say that many also feel threats beyond gun-control and
derailment of gun-ownership. True, many feel that a viable threat of
government taking away their right to bear arms will be replaced by
eliminating guns (as is evident in some countries outlawing guns). Americans
know that a government who owns the guns (and ultimately police forces,
military, etc. will someday, perhaps) also can keep them out of the reach of
countering revolution.

A tree starts with a small seed. A liberal/socialist government and Marxist
society was envisioned by Vladimir Lenin (who ultimately influenced so many
including Stalin, Castro, and other Communist/socialist governments) who
lapped upon such writers as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (Germans). Their
"manifesto" outlined "class stuggles (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_struggle ). Lenin, Bolsheviks (majority)
vs. Mensheviks (minority) <Again, government in America will have majority
of socialists in January). Fearful, huh? It could be the start of the
"neo-direction" of American's new government envisioned by the "dynamic
Trio" of President, Majority Senate Leader and <gulp!--Pelosi).

However, the later believed in Utopia--pure bliss with no government
(withering away after the final stages of communism kicks in). After all,
Marx always thought that the Socialism/Communistic society would occur in an
advanced society (America) and not agrarian, farm-based, etc. one.

After Russia (let's put America inserted here for this example) had its
revolution (revolution by liberal/socialist ideas or actual physical chaos
of overthrow of governments <Henceforth, Socialism ideas and implementation
as in O-Blah-Dee, Reid and Pelosi with Majority government) setting this
idea into play. The seed (socialism ideology by American's newly elected
liberal/socialist government) is thus possible within time allowed (also
known as Murphy's Law here: if it can happen, it certainly will..)

Now, with this understood, consider another major reason for gun sales
rising: People are arming themselves against revolution they feel will occur
(hence sales of heavy-duty weapons and caliper) while others are convinced a
race war occurring is clear to them. (Not only Caucasians are buying
weapons). Sales are proving all races are doing so.

Scarey, huh?

Conservatives tried to educate the American populace during the election.
However, by not sticking by their conservative platform ideology and leaning
more to the left, O=blah=dee got the nod by people who know knowing about
government, elections, but that their "basketball star" (now that Michael
Jordan is passé) is their new hero.

When I was a kid, there used to be an ad where one follows the "bouncing
ball". Folks, follow this one closely, remember to hold them accountable and
"encourage the new administration" to dot their "I's" and cross their "t's.
"IT" needs to know we're not agreeing to socialism in any form.



And they wonder why gun sales are up now?

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