[StBernard] Gun Owners of America Opposes AG Nominee

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Jan 17 09:16:19 EST 2009

For Immediate Release

Contact: Ed Isler or Ellie McDaniel

(703) 321-8585

January 16, 2009

Gun Owners of America Opposes AG Nominee

- - Group to Score Eric Holder Vote

(Springfield, VA) -- Gun Owners of America is urging the U.S. Senate
not to confirm Attorney General nominee Eric Holder.

GOA had been invited to submit testimony to testify, but ultimately
the Committee chose not to allow a pro-Second Amendment organization
to testify in person.

Below is GOA's written testimony prepared for the Eric Holder
hearing. GOA also notified each Senator that it will score the vote
on Holder (the only national gun rights group to do so) in the
organization's 2010 Congressional


Testimony of John Velleco

Director of Federal Affairs, Gun Owners of America

Before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate

January 15, 2009

Good morning Chairman Leahy, Ranking Member Specter, and members of
the Committee.

For nearly 35 years, Gun Owners of America has been dedicated to
lobbying in favor of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear
arms. On behalf of approximately 300,000 members across the country,
I want to thank you for the opportunity to testify today on this
important matter.

Gun Owners of America believes that it would be a mistake for this
body to confirm a nominee for U.S. Attorney General who would not
have the trust and confidence of a significant number of Americans,
particularly sportsmen and gun owners.

Holder's record on gun rights issues is not obscure or
insignificant. Both in his capacity as Deputy Attorney General from
1997-2001 and as an attorney in private practice, Mr. Holder has
taken positions on gun rights that are outside the mainstream of
American thought and jurisprudence and, we would argue, at variance
with some of the views articulated by President-elect Obama during
the campaign.

While serving as Deputy Attorney General, Eric Holder was active on
several gun rights issues. In 1999, Mr. Holder supported legislation
that would have limited handgun purchases to one per month,
instituted a 3-day waiting period for handgun purchases, made it
illegal for adults under the age of 21 to possess a handgun,
subjected licensed gun dealers to a host of new laws and gun show
promoters to regulations so severe that gun shows would effectively
have been banned.

In a statement prior to an expected
vote on the bill, Mr. Holder
urged the Congress not to cave in to "the special interests that
value the cold hard steel of guns more than the lives of children,
neighbors and police officers," and to pass the draconian gun
control package. Nowhere in Mr. Holder's statement was any mention
made of the hundreds of thousands of legitimate self-defense uses of
firearms every year in America.

When the gun control legislation stalled in the Congress, Mr. Holder
participated in an effort to circumvent the legislative branch and
enact gun control regulations through what many considered to be
legislation by extortion.

The Clinton Administration, through the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), spearheaded a class action lawsuit using
federally-funded housing authorities as plaintiffs. From the outset,
it was clear that government officials were less interested in
winning the lawsuit then
they were in getting firearms manufacturers
to agree to specific regulations in a settlement.

Even the Washington Post, which editorialized in favor of
congressional action on the gun control measure, was sharply
of the lawsuit led by HUD. On December 17, 1999, the Post editors
wrote: "That Congress has not been willing to [pass the gun control
bill] is no license for the administration to use the courts as an
alternative policymaking vehicle."

Only one company settled with the government. At the ceremony for
signing of the agreement, then-HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo thanked
"ur friends at the Department of Justice, Deputy Attorney
General Eric Holder," among the list of government officials who
aided the lawsuit.

In the private sector, Mr. Holder continued to be a vocal advocate
for stricter gun control laws.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in an op-ed in the
Washington Post,
Mr. Holder stated that "Congress should also pass legislation that
would give the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms a record of
every firearm sale," in spite of laws in place that prohibit gun
owner registration. Mr. Holder also pushed for greater restrictions
on gun shows, even though the terrorists were armed with box cutters
that could be purchased at any hardware store.

Perhaps most disconcerting to Gun Owners of America is an action
taken by Mr. Holder just last year. In an amicus brief before the
Supreme Court in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, Mr. Holder
and 12 other former Justice Department officials argued in favor of
the gun ban in Washington D.C. The brief also took the position that
the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right.

President-elect Obama stated during the campaign that he believed
Second Amendment protects an individual right.
According to a
February, 2008, USA TODAY/Gallup poll and a June, 2008, Harris poll,
the overwhelming majority of Americans believe that as well.

The academic world also is increasingly supportive of the individual
rights interpretation of the Second Amendment. Sanford Levinson and
Akhil Reed Amar (Yale), William Van Alstyne (Duke) and Laurence
(Harvard) are just a few notable examples of scholars who believe
the Second Amendment protects an individual right. These views, of
course, are in accord with what the Supreme Court eventually ruled

Eric Holder apparently disagrees with the incoming president and the
Supreme Court on a core Constitutional issue. Gun Owners of America
believes that Mr. Holder should not, therefore, be entrusted with
responsibility of enforcing and prosecuting federal laws that
the possession, sale, and use of firearms.

Thank you for the
opportunity to testify on this important matter.


John Velleco is Director of Federal Affairs for Gun Owners of
America, a national gun lobby with over 300,000 members.

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