[StBernard] Full steam ahead on da Civic Center?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 29 08:36:05 EST 2009

We are looking forward to the dance review returning to the Civic Center
this year {The Dance Connection review in June}.

Yes, the storm was an opportunity to restore, renew. Let's all continue our
best effort at this opportunity for the next generations.


-----Original Message-----
"The Federal Emergency Management Agency said it will send an additional
$3.7 million to St. Bernard Parish to cover repair work on the grand
ballroom in the Fred Sigur Civic Center in Chalmette. " --TP

Jer Responds:

Woooo. This one's most certainly a "gift" from the Federal Government.
Before Katrina, it appeared the auditorium's fate was doomed. Many felt it
was too expensive (not feasible) to renovate the building which was in such
ill-repair. Perhaps a school board takeover/buy was inevitable?

Then came da storm, and it appears a significant amount of money will be
poured into repairing it to near-perfect condition.

That's a gift from FEMA, but took God's hand to make it work out that way.


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