[StBernard] Spotlight on Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 29 18:14:45 EST 2009

Times-Picayune Highlights State's Abusive Legal Climate

Sign the Petition to End Lawsuit Abuse

Times-Picayune columnist James Gill recently spotlighted Louisiana's
notoriously abusive lawsuit climate
<http://click.ilrmail.org/t/280644/33968227/2657/0/> -- highlighting our
efforts to reform the legal system:

"It would only be a start, but corporations presumably are less likely to
set up shop in a state where they fear juries will hand out big sums every
time an employee or customer shows up alleging tort. And it is more or less
axiomatic that plaintiffs have better prospects when a cause of action
arises in Louisiana, particularly in Orleans Parish."

<http://click.ilrmail.org/t/280644/33968227/2374/0/> Bottom line:
Louisiana's broken lawsuit climate is harming your state's ability create
jobs and economic recovery.

As we've emailed you previously, a recent Harris Survey found that Louisiana
is ranked as one of the worst states (49th out of 50) in the country for
lawsuit abuse.

Another survey conducted last year found that 89% of Louisiana business
owners believe frivolous lawsuits are a serious problem, and 69% of them say
that Louisiana should do something about it.

Click here to help us reform Louisiana's lawsuit climate by signing our
Petition to End Lawsuit Abuse
<http://click.ilrmail.org/t/280644/33968227/2374/0/> .

To find out more, visit the Coalition for Common Sense
<http://click.ilrmail.org/t/280644/33968227/2658/0/> .

The Institute for Legal Reform
<http://click.ilrmail.org/t/280644/33968227/58/0/> is an advocacy group
working to end lawsuit abuse. ILR is a national campaign of the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce, with the critical mission
<http://click.ilrmail.org/t/280644/33968227/2536/0/> of making America's
legal system simpler, faster, and fairer for everyone.

U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform | 1615 H Street, N.W. | Washington,
D.C. 20062-2000

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